We are located at:
Winchelsea Learning Centre
140 Renz Rd
Parksville, BC V9P 1E8
Resources and APPS
Members of staff, parents, students welcome to participate on the TEAMS meeting. The agendas are posted under Board of Education/Committees of the Whole and include the TEAMS link to the meeting.
Members of staff, parents, students welcome to participate on the TEAMS meeting. The agendas are posted under Board of Education/Committees of the Whole and include the TEAMS link to the meeting.
Members of staff, parents, students welcome to participate on the TEAMS meeting. The agendas are posted under Board of Education/Committees of the Whole and include the TEAMS link to the meeting
Monthly Business Meeting of the Board of Education - agendas are posted under Board of Education/Agenda and Minutes of Meetings
Student do not attend
Monthly Business Meeting of the Board of Education
Students do not attend
Statutory Holiday